Hey There, I’m Bist! 👋

A Bit About Me

Tech enthusiast by day, Linux guru by night. In the realm of data protection by profession, and deeply immersed in Artix Linux and Suckless software in my personal tech universe. Welcome to my world of coding, customization, and creativity!

Professional Passion

Navigating the world of data protection as a Sales Engineer, I make complex tech understandable and useful.

My Tech Playground

  • Artix Linux Aficionado: Artix Linux, where simplicity and power converge.
  • Suckless Software Sage: Advocating for a minimalist, efficient digital life with dwm, st, and dmenu.
  • Containerization Crusader: Mastering the art of organization with Docker and Kubernetes.
  • IoT Explorer: Transforming my home into a smart ecosystem.

Learning & Growing

Expanding my programming horizons with boot.dev, embracing the dynamic world of coding.

Gear I Love

  • Unicomp M1 Keyboard: A classic keyboard with a satisfying click. See it here.
  • Moonlander from ZSA.io: An ergonomic masterpiece offering unparalleled customization. Check it out.
  • Pixel 8 with GrapheneOS: My go-to device for staying connected, secure, and private. View here.

Beyond the Screen

When I’m not immersed in tech, I’m delving into home automation projects or exploring sci-fi universes. I believe in a future where technology enriches our lives in every aspect.

Connect With Me

Got a Linux tip, a programming query, or want to discuss the latest in tech? Reach out!

Explore my tech journey on GitHub.

Thank you for visiting. Let’s navigate the exciting world of technology together!
